Fast Fast Mabok

Alvin and Shihao spoke to us when they took over a business and saw an opportunity to build an ecommerce website, a digital storefront, to display their products and ease their workflow.

They were looking for something vibrant that suit the name Fast Fast Mabok and amplifies their unique selling point which is fast delivery at a wholesale rate. Due to their business model and nature, it was also highlighted to streamline the orders and send it to WhatsApp.

Project and Work Flow Planning

Our team did market research after understanding Fast Fast Mabok’s target audiences and unique selling point. Vibrant colours and relatable imageries were chosen to enhance their branding and brand message. We have assisted Fast Fast Mabok with their products upload and recommended best ways to present their product description.


Video Hosting

Fast fast Mabok has several video testimonials and would like display on its website. We have customised the video displays so as to align to their branding, eliminating the display of suggested videos that do not belong to them.

How Did the Website Turn Out?

Visit the site.

Singapore Website Awards